Sheltering in Place When You're Not on the Same Page

Sheltering in Place When You're Not On the Same Page (Part 3)

October 23, 20231 min read

Even in the best of times, getting divorced is awful. But being cooped up with someone you no longer want to be with is a painful and possibly combustible situation.

For some all this togetherness has you wondering whether you want to stay or to exit your marriage know that you do have choices:

o To separate or divorce;

o Do nothing;

o Lead parallel lives;

o Build a relationship with your spouse by acknowledging the old marriage is over, and it's time to create a new relationship based on seeing each other in a new light and not expecting to get back to the way it used to be.

It's helpful to work with a coach or therapist to uncover the underlying cause of your indecision. You'll benefit from gaining clarity by working with a neutral person who only wants the best for you. (As opposed to talking with friends and family) Most divorce coaches offer a free session; take advantage to get you started.

Understand your readiness for change. EVERYTHING is different once you reveal your thoughts. How you deal with change depends on your ability to adapt and your attitude about change. Being conscious and developing your change readiness skills will help you build better-coping strategies. You can take a free Change Readiness Assessment and learn what to expect here

Regardless of which stage you're in, stay healthy, safe, and calm. Please seek support if you are feeling overwhelmed or unsafe. For additional resources go here and here

Divorce Coach, Mediator, Mentor, Mom, Gramzie, Friend, Artist, Hiker, Traveler, Pilates Enthusiast, Care Partner, Curious, Life-long Learner.....


Divorce Coach, Mediator, Mentor, Mom, Gramzie, Friend, Artist, Hiker, Traveler, Pilates Enthusiast, Care Partner, Curious, Life-long Learner.....

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